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LOGO contest /NO WINNERS/Read More for the new concept.

 For mid-year 2022 we are going to change our logo.  We have been using a generic logo

for over a few years now and have decided to renew our systems process and our looks.  We feel that along with change comes responsibility and good intent.  So, we are giving our followers and viewers an opportunity to earn $50 cash to come up with the best logo. 

Here are the instructions:
Create the image in jpeg, or mpeg format with a white background. All rights to logo must be turned over to Ujima Properties LLC.  Contest will last about two months.  Winner will be announced on June 1st. 2022 on YouTube.  Send your logo to this site by comments.  Good Luck!  Ujima Properties reserves the right to use or not use the winner's logo in any of its advertising or representations.  



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