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How to apply for Bids, Buy a house and rent a home from Ujima Properies LLC

  Unlike the year 2020, we are bringing positive vibes and brighter thoughts in for the New Year 2021.  It will be a challenging year for us filled with new innovations and ideas.  Innovations like creating a better and faster way to process accurate information.  Ideas like accepting job bids from Contractors, Sub-contractors and Licensed handy men.   Also new is the opportunity to buy and rent a new home through this Blog.  From time to time, there will be a link and instructions to gain access to what will be available.  Location of the links will be available here, in the center of this blog and at the Investor Opportunity Market on the right.   We hope that going back to normal or going to better than normal is just around the corner.  Let's have a better than great New Year!

Hopefully we can take a break! Take the CDC serious!

We have invested in a new business that will help make our lives more simple and smarter.  We will have an opportunity from time to time to bring recreation and travel back into our lives at a price designed to make it happen!  Check  this post often!  Let's travel smart together!

Block Chain is here to stay!

Does anyone remember this symbol on this site around the year 2015?  Well, if you had taken note of this and responded to this website, you would be a lot wealthier today than the norm. Now, lets be real!  You would have needed to put at an initial investment of $10,000 dollars in order to have experienced a major life changing experience.  So, let's focus on now!  Now is the time to study and get on board.  Take a look at this Athlete who bought his house with Bitcoins and became the worlds first person to do so and being worldly acknowledged!  It just happened two weeks ago! If you are interested in buying a house with bitcoins, go here: Then go here to convert.........

Keeping it real!

  In this business of Real Estate for the year 2018, there have been a ton of chances and decisions being made as far as business practices and ethics. We shall hope that during the next year 2019 and beyond, that we be blessed with the opportunity of meeting like minded people like ourselves in the near future.  We have also grown more knowledgeable in our selecting clients and tenants for our rentals and leases.  We do not hold anyone back because of mistakes they have made in the past, even though we have ordered background checks.  Personally, I would suggest everyone take a good look at themselves and search out the things that could make us all better by making the best SELF that we can.  During these difficult times, WE Need It!  God Bless!

LAND *******LAND*******LAND

If you have or know someone who has land to sell, If you have or know someone who has property to sell, If you have or know someone who needs to buy property, We will buy or sell your property.. Leave contact information to: or visit                                                                                                                                                                      or call 803-999-5029


Our parent company is Ujima Productions LLC.  The company d/b/a mailing address is 1320 Main st.  Suite 300  Columbia, SC 29201 downtown Columbia.  Getting the best in real estate resources and the right training has been our number one objective.  And most of all, to provide great service and commitment to buyers, renters and sellers.
Founded on January 24, 2013 In Columbia, South Carolina. Over the past years, I've noticed the foreclosure and for sale signs everywhere I turned. I discovered a way to help people in distress with their homes. Also it has given me an opportunity to build wealth and relationships. I post available investments on this website . Here is a video on what to expect from the housing market this year (2013).